Monday 10 August 2015

Soft Almond Cake

Adapted from Genoa Cake, or Pain de Genes

4 large eggs
250g marzipan
60g flour
1tsp vanilla extract

Blend the marzipan into the eggs. If using a stand mixer, I recommend trying the dough hook, and scrape the bottom regularly. . You may also use a blender.

Switch to a whisk and whip at medium speed for at least 15 minutes, until the mixture is very light, very pale and very fluffy.

Whisk in the flour and vanilla extract.

Pour into a 22.5cm pan and bake at 180C for 15-20 minutes.

The annoying part is working the eggs and marzipan into a uniform paste. Using a blender is fastest, but you will need to clean it -- and also waste batter transferring it to different bowls and such.

This was a cake designed from laziness. It takes similar proportions to the Genoa Cake, but fluffs it up with a machine and gets rid of the heating eggs and almond paste bit.

The pan does not need to be very tall, as the cake does not rise very much in the oven.

As it does not rise very much in the oven, it also stays pretty flat. If you were to stack the cake, it probably will not need levelling.

It would be lovely topped with fruit and glazed, or sandwiched with lightly sweetened custard.

Tasting Notes: 
The texture is spectacularly good. Very soft, fine and moist.

It does not taste as strongly almondy as the Genoa Cake recipe does, but it is still very fragrant.

In some ways, it takes the best things of the Genoa Cake and makes it better with what I consider it to be superior texture.

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