Saturday 27 December 2014

Sous Vide Chicken Porridge

75g rice
600g chicken stock -- it should be thick enough to gel solid when cold
2g salt
2 spring onion stalks -- the white bit minus the roots plus a bit of the green part
small knob of ginger
sesame oil -- about a teaspoon or so
soya sauce -- just a few drops

Put all of the ingredients into a 500ml mason jar and sous vide for 4 hours at 65C, then another 8 hours at 75C.

The stock was cold when it went in.
This is under salted, but you're meant to serve this with soy sauce and white pepper at the table anyway.

Tasting Notes:
The rice to stock ratio needs to go up, unless you are after a more Teochew style gruel. I will try 100g rice to 600g stock the next time.
Temperature needs to increase as well. When I checked it at 4 hours at 65C, the rice was still solid little grains. I will try 75C or 80C the next time for 8 hours.
(The only recipe I found online for Sous Vide congee suggested 90C for 1.5 hours, but I am aiming for an overnight recipe, at least until I get a sous vide machine with a timer.)
If you want to serve it piping hot, you will need to bring it to boil on a stove top.
I might reduce the salt the next time -- it was salty enough to not need extra flavorings.

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