Sunday 6 January 2019


Adapted from Hefe Und Mehr to use Herman, with measurements reflecting a suitable size for my food processor

Yeast Dough
130g Herman starter 
90g milk 
2 eggs 
266g all-purpose flour 
114g bread flour
lemon peel 
1/4 tsp salt 
20g sugar 
50g butter 

Shortcrust Pastry
160g all-purpose flour 
70g butter 
40g sugar 

Mix all ingredients for yeast dough except sugar and butter in food processor. Rest for 20 minutes. 

Process with all of the sugar. It is ready when you cannot feel the sugar grains in the dough. 

Process with all of the butter. Rest for 1-2 hours. 

Blend all shortcrust pastry ingredients together, either by hand or in the food processor. 

Before proceeding to the next step, the yeast dough should smell yeasty and puffed up about 30-50%. The shortcrust pastry should be cold to touch, otherwise, chill it for about 30 minutes. 

Knead both doughs together until they are homogeneous. At this point, you may divide into your desired portion sizes. Let rise again before rolling out, adding toppings and baking. 

Bake at 180C.


I just rub the shortcrust pastry ingredients together by hand until sandy and fine. If it comes together, great, but it works just even if that does not happen.

This makes 4 portions that are just right size for a 9-inch/22.5cm pan, with the sides coming up just a bit, which works really well for containing moisture from the baked fruit. You can also just roll it out and just use it flat, but I would not recommend it for a wet or fruit topping. 

I typically will chill the dough overnight in my homemade bread retard box and use the next day, but in my experience, with this large amount of Herman, it should be ready to go into the oven about 2 hours after dividing into portion sizes.

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