Sunday 24 May 2015

Cocoa Tangmian Cake

Adapted from Kitchen Tigress


145g egg white
1/8tsp cream of tartar
75g sugar

75g butter
55g flour
30g cocoa powder
30g milk
65g egg yolk
1tsp coffee extract
1/8 tsp salt

Melt butter. When it is completely melted and starting to foam, dump in the cocoa powder and flour. Whisk in.

Whisk in the milk, then the yolks one at a time. Add the coffee extract and salt with the last of the egg yolk.

Whip the egg whites with the cream of tartar and sugar until firm peaks.

Fold the egg whites in thirds into the cocoa batter.

Bake at 170C for about 30 minutes.

My cake rose, cracked, and then sank while cooling. I could not invert the cake in the pan to cool because it rose too high -- out of a fairly tall pan.

I might have done better to use a slightly larger pan because I increased all the ingredients a little.

Tasting Notes: 
The flavor is good, but the texture has much to be desired. Back to the drawing board.

Genoa Cake, or Pain de Genes

Adapted from From Buenos Aires to Paris, originally a Pierre Hermes recipe 

3 eggs -- 55g each
200g marzipan -- see notes
50g all-purpose flour
40g butter
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp rum

Line the bottom of a 18cm round tin.

Blend the marzipan with the eggs -- see notes.

Put the marzipan mixture over a hot water bath, and whisk until it hits 60C.

Take off heat.

Whip the marzipan mixture until you can drizzle the outline of a star over the mixture, and it lasts long enough to see complete picture.

Whisk in the rum.

Whisk in the butter.

Whisk in the flour.

Bake at 180C for 20 minutes, or until the skewer comes out clean.

When cool, wrap in clingwrap and store at room temperature for 2 days.

The marzipan should be at least 52% almond, and it should still be soft when you take it out the package.

The original recipe suggests beating the eggs in one at a time with a stand mixer. Given the texture of the marzipan, I think using a blender is faster. I used a stick blender, but if I were making a larger quantity, I would chuck all the eggs and marzipan into a jug blender and whizz away. It would probably be less messy.

I used cacao rum for this, but I do not see why you could not use extract (perhaps a little less, maybe a tsp, or 1.5 tsp) instead. To be honest, the rum flavor was not very noticeable anyway.

I bet this cake freezes fairly well, and would be something awesome to have in the fridge for last minute toasting to serve with ice cream or poached fruit.

Tasting Notes: 
Pretty good. This actually makes a fairly small cake, so you might want to double it because it is an excellent cake.